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Employment - slownictwo zwiazane z praca
English | Polish |
blue-collar worker | worker - pracownik fizyczny |
bonus | additional pay given to employee as incentive or reward premia, dodatek |
curriculum vitae | UK short account of one's education, career etc; résumé US; resume US - zyciorys |
dismiss | to remove or discharge from employment; to sack, to fire, to dismiss - zwolnic |
employer | person or firm who employs people - pracodawca |
employee | person employed - pracownik |
interview | an oral examination of an applicant for a job - also - rozmowa kwalifikacyjna |
make redundant | to dismiss because of not being needed - zwolnic z powodu redukcji etatów |
maternity leave | period of absence from work (for a woman) when having a baby - urlop macierzynski |
notice | advance warning of intention to resign - wypowiedzenie |
perk | perquisite - something additional to regular salary (eg: free meals; a car) dodatek |
personnel | the people who work for a firm - personel |
personnel officer | manager responsible for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel - urzednik dzialu kadr |
promotion | advancement in rank or position - awans |
prospects | opportunity for success, promotion etc - perspektywy |
recruit | to look for and employ personnel - rekrutowac |
resign | to give up a job - rezygnowac |
retire | to leave employment, esp. because of age - przejsc na emeryture |
salary | a fixed, regular payment, usually monthly, made by employer to employee - pensja |
staff | the people who work for a firm or a particular department; employees - personel |
take on | to employ; to hire - zatrudnic |
white-collar worker | an office worker - pracownik biurowy |
I’m used to working in a busy environment | Jestem przyzwyczajony do pracy w ciężkim środowisku |
Customer-oriented | Zorientowane na klienta |
Being able to meet targets | Być w stanie zrealizować cele |
Handle stress easily | Łatwo radzić sobie ze stresem |
Team player | Osoba umiejąca pracować w zespole |
Can-do attitude | Postawa - potrafię to zrobić! |
Eager to learn | Chętny do nauki |
Good at multitasking | Dobry w pracy wielozadaniowej |
I have … years’ experience in the field | Mam ... lat doświadczenia w dziedzinie |
Proven track record | Udokumentowane |
Work against the clock | Praca na czas |
Meet deadlines | Dotrzymywanie terminów |
Liaise with other departments | Pracować w porozumieniu z innymi departamentami |
I want to take on more responsibility | Chcę wziąć na siebie większą odpowiedzialność |
Competitive salary | konkurencyjne wynagrodzenie |
I’m self-motivated | Jestem zmotywowany |
I take pride in my work | Jestem dumny z mojej pracy |
I’m very attentive to detail | Jestem bardzo oddany szczegółom |
I’m good at resolving problem situations | Jestem dobry w rozwiązywaniu sytuacji problemowych |
I have effective communication skills in English – both verbally and in writing. | Posiadam umiejętność komunikacji w języku angielskim - w mowie i piśmie. |