Lista najpopularniejszych phrasal verbs wraz z tłumaczeniem i przykładami użycia.
“I bought a cheap motorbike and it keeps breaking down on me.”
“If people suffer too much stress they are likely to break down and cry.”
“The politician introduced new laws that might bring about some positive change.”
“Whenever you borrow a book from the library you must bring it back.”
“Sometimes when people die they are able to be brought back to life.”
“Fishermen always try to bring in a large catch.”
“Most part-time work does not bring in much money.”
“The sale of their flat brought in a profit of £10,000”
“Monica still owes me 50 dollars. Next time I see her I will bring the issue up.”
“My parents died when I was a child so my grandparents brought me up.”
“Babies often bring up their food, but that phase soon passes.”
“The doctors said they didn't know how I managed to carry on in such pain.”
“Children often carry on when they do not get what they want, which almost always irritates me.”
“Grandma, let me help you carry out the boxes to the car.”
“The next step involves staff learning complex commands to tell the machine to carry out a sequence of tasks.”
“We came back home at 5 a.m. (Wróciliśmy do domu o piątej nad ranem.).”
“Sri Lanka were losing in the cricket, but they had a great come back in the last innings.”
“I'll wait until you come back, and then we can do it together.”
“I can’t afford the new TVs so I’ll wait for the prices to come down to a more reasonable price.”
“When I turned 21 my father gave me a ring that has come down from generation to generation.”
“Just look at the rain coming down! I'm not going out in that..”
“Come on, we’re waiting for you and the show starts in 3 minutes!”
“Mike came on to me during the meeting, but I have no romantic feelings for him.”
“I am baking my first cake. I’ll just have to wait and see how it comes out!”
“I have a hunch that Man United will come out on top.”
“I planned on visiting you last night, but something came up.”
“When snorkeling I can only stay underwater for two minutes and then I must come up for air.”
“The sun came up just as we reached the outskirts of the town.”
“One of the best ways to learn is to find out how other people do things.”
“She will find out whether or not UDOM has accepted her as a student.”
“Robert played a prank on me last Halloween, so this year I am going to get him back.”
“Thank you for your application. We'll get back to you later.”
“I can’t wait to get my car back from the garage.”
“Although my grandmother thinks she is young she is getting on.”
“Stop chit-chatting and get on with playing the game!”
“Monika and George get on quite well.”
“Are we getting out tonight? (Wychodzimy gdzieś na miasto wieczorem?) ”
“Most inmates can’t wait until they get out of prison.”
“I must get this work out before the deadline comes!”
“We need to get him out. (Musimy pomóc mu uciec.) ”
“I do 10 press ups each time I get up out of bed.”
“Why didn't you get her up from bed? (Dlaczego nie zmusiłeś jej do wstania z łóżka?) ”
“If you smoke, make every effort to give up. If you don’t then it is probable you’ll get cancer.”
“If I fail the exam again I will give up and go and work in Lidl.”
“He was an artist and his only dream was one day to go back home and paint.
“I'd rather die than go back to my old life.”
“The Titanic went down after it hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage.”
“When is the deal going down?”
“I went in on a bet with some friends that our teacher would cancel class.”
“John went in for a kiss, but Tina denied his advances.”
“I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in.”
“The bomb went off at 9 in the evening killing 54 people. (Bomba wybuchła o 9 wieczorem zabijając 54 ludzi.)”
“At track events a pistol goes off to signify the start of a race.”
“Explorers usually go off to find new lands and treasure.”
“I wish class would finish, but my professor’s lecture just keeps going on and on and on!”
“The clothes you are wearing went out of fashion ages ago!”
“When couples start dating, they usually go out on the town and have dinner or watch a movie.”
“The community water bill has gone up drastically.”
“Several new buildings are going up in 2012 and 2013.”
“When my parents visited Sri Lanka they were held up by gunpoint.”
“The children held up their hands as the teacher had asked.”
“Whenever we were stuck in a traffic jam my father would say, “What’s the hold up?”.”
“As we get older we sometimes look back on our life with fond memories.”
“When I looked back I saw that my dog wasn’t following me anymore.”
“She looks down on her colleagues because she thinks she's better than they are.”
“When people think they are superior to other they look down on them.”
“When I got to the top of the mountain I looked down at the village.”
“The police have warned shopkeepers to look out for forged notes.”
“Animals in the wild must keep a look out for predators.”
“Look out! There is a hole in the sidewalk.”
“My puppy always looks out the window hinting to me that she wants to go outside.”
“Our business is looking up. (Interesy idą coraz lepiej.)”
“Sometimes when I reminisce I look up old friends on the Internet.”
“You can always tell the tourists from the locals, because the tourists are always looking up at the skyscrapers.”
“I think she made the whole thing up. (Wydaje mi się, że ona zmyśliła to wszystko.)
“He was made up with his Christmas presents.”
“We made up class on Saturday because we didn’t have class on Wednesday.”
“I thought I could make up for all those times I cancelled dinner with my wife by taking her on a cruise.”
“The actress was made up to look like a doll for the horror movie.”
“It took me 3 months to learn to play that song, but my brother picked it up in 2 days!”
“I picked up the dolls from the floor and returned them to the toy box.”
“Most of these rules, I should point out, were created to protect you.”
“The victim pointed out the criminal from a police lineup.”
“Whenever I have to do something important I put it down on my “To Do List.””
“Most loving owners put down their pets when the pet has an incurable and painful disease.”
“Jessica was very put out when her boyfriend forgot her birthday.”
“One of the firefighters’ main duties is to put out fires.”
“When publishers put out a new book series they often publicize by various methods.”
“My friend was homeless so I put her up for a few days until she found herself a place.”
“When people need money they sometimes put up their valuable items for sale.”
“Many shops put up mannequins with their most popular clothing styles to help sales.”
“When setting off fireworks you must be very careful not to get injured.”
“Dilan set off to prove his mother wrong by showing her that he could do the work.”
“My brother really set me off when he said that I didn’t love my parents as much as he.”
“My father gave me some money to help me start up my new business.”
“After the dictator lost control of the country a new government needed to be set up.”
“I have to take back my promise because I have to work. “
“I lent my friend a book, but I took it back because she was using it as a door stop.”
“Whenever I see children play soccer the images take me back to when I played as a child.”
“I decided I didn’t want the DVD so I took it back to the store for a refund.”
“The use of UBUNTU never took off in the community”
“The police took off after the bank robbers.”
“I am going to take Monday off from work and enjoy some time with my family.”
“She might also take on the role of mother, wife and teacher if she wants.”
“Samsung will take on an additional 1,200 employees at the Moshi factory.”
“When a man dates a woman he traditionally takes her out to the movies or a restaurant.”
“Can you take over the controls while I go to the toilet?”
“When a president dies the vice-president usually takes over as leader of the country.”
“Tom took up Indika’s offer to go to Sri Lanka.”
“My life was getting boring so I took up the challenge.”
“I have short legs so I always have to have my trousers taken up so they aren’t too long.”
“You never know how they'll turn out. Some will be good, and some will be bad.”
“Even though it rained all night many fans turned out at the concert.”
“Thousands of people turned out for the demonstration.”
“I lost my kitten yesterday and she hasn’t turned up yet.”
“I can’t hear the radio so I’ll need to turn up the volume.”
“She didn't turn up for class today.”
“He set out to start a new life in the countryside.”
“The explorers set out for the South Pole yesterday morning.”
“She has failed to set out a schedule which would be quick and cheap.”
“Because there are always right answers, I love to work out difficult Maths problems.”
“When I told the truth everything worked out for the best. I didn’t have to lie and everyone could trust me.”
“Simon works out in the gym three times a week..”
Lista najpopularniejszych
Lista najpopularniejszych phrasal verbs jest bardzo przydatna. Na innej stronie widziałam setki frazali, a skąd mam wiedzieć, których się uczyć. Dzięki temu że podane są tu tylko te które są popularne, przynajmniej wiem od czego zacząć. Dzięki