Dr Philip Keaton, 55, is a psychotherapist. He has his practice in central London. Dr Keaton is tall, dark and very attractive. He is a good skier and an excellent tennis player. Dr Keaton is single and lives alone in a luxury flat in Chelsea. Dr Keaton is known among his colleagues as the author of rather controversial psychological theories.
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Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
practice - praktyka, gabinet tall, dark and attractive - wysoki, ciemny i atrakcyjny a good skier and an excellent tennis player - dobry narciarz i wyśmienity tenisista single - kawaler, nieżonaty lives alone in a luxury flat - mieszka sam w luksusowym mieszkaniu Chelsea - bogata dzielnica Londynu known among his colleagues as - znany wśród swoich kolegów jako rather controversial theories - raczej kontrowersyjne teorii
Ms Linda Brando, 29, is an intellectual with a good figure and big blue eyes. At present, she is a blonde. She has been a blonde since Christmas. Ms Brando is a successful novelist and a radical feminist. She and Dr Keaton, the psychotherapist, are very good friends. They have been friends for years. Dr Keaton is in love with Ms Brando. Is she in love with him? No one knows. Ms Linda Brando refuses to marry Dr Keaton for two reasons:
- She has no time for family life.
- She is used to her present way of life.
This does not affect their friendship in any way. On the contrary, it adds a romantic touch to their relationship.
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Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
an intellectual with a good figure - intelektualistka o dobrej figurze at present - obecnie she has been a blonde since Christmas - jest blodynką od Świąt Bożego Narodzenia successful novelist - powieściopisarka, która odniosła sukces radical feminist - radykalna feministka they have been friends for years - są przyjaciółmi od lat is in love with - jest zakochany w refuses to marry him for two reasons - odmawia poślubienia go z dwóch powodów is used to her present way of life - jest przyzwyczajona do obecnego trybu życia affect - mieć wpływ na friendship - przyjaźń on the contrary - wprost przeciwnie it adds a romantic touch - to dodaje romantycznego uroku (dotknięcia) relationship - związek, stosunek wzajemny, relacja
Mr. Henry Worthing, 39, is divorced and lives alone in a small flat in the East End of London. He has practically no friends and often feels depressed. Mr. Worthing is a librarian. He earns a small salary and is very careful with money. Thanks to that he can afford small luxuries of life, such as art books.
Mr. Worthing is a patient of Dr Keaton’s. Dr Keaton is trying to help him overcome his existential sadness.
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Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
divorced - rozwiedziony practically - praktycznie to feel depressed - czuć się przygnębionym librarian - bibiotekarz he earns a small salary - zarabia niewielką pensję careful with money - ostrożny, jeżeli chodzi o pieniądze thanks to that - dzięki temu to afford - pozwolić sobie na such as art books - takie jak albumy sztuki a patient of Dr Keaton's - jeden z pacjentów Dra K. to help him overcome - pomóc mu przewyciężyć existential sadness - smutek egzystencjalny
Mr. Worthing knows German very well.This is important because Dr Keaton expects him to read German philosophers in the original. The purpose of that is to help Mr. Worthing to see things in their right perspective, to look at his own problems with detachment.
At present Mr. Worthing is reading Being and Time (Sein und Zeit) by Martin Heidegger. He has been reading it for two weeks now. He finds the book interesting, although rather difficult.
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Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
knows German - zna (język) niemiecki important - ważny because - ponieważ Dr Keaton expects him to read - Dr Keaton oczekuje, że on będzie czytał German philosophers - (dzieła) niemieckich filozofów in the original - w oryginale purpose - cel to see things in their right perspective - spojrzeć na sprawy z właściwej perspektywy detachment - dystans (emocjonalny) He has been reading it for two weeks now - czyta to już od dwóch tygodni He finds the book interesting - uważa, że książka jest interesująca although - chociaż
Mr. Worthing graduated from Oxford with a degree in English literature eighteen years ago. In the same year he started working as a librarian in a public library in the East End of London. Two years later he met Susan Butterfly at a party and fell in love with her at first sight. They married two months later. But their happiness did not last long. Susan soon ran away with a Japanese businessman from Tokyo.
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Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
to graduate - uzyskać stopień akademicki degree - stopień (akademicki) public library - biblioteka publiczna later - później to meet, met, met - spotkać, poznać to fall, fell, fallen in love - zakochać się w at first sight - od pierszego wejrzenia their happiness didn't last long - ich szczęście nie rwało długo soon - wkrótce to run, ran, run away - uciec
Ms Linda Brando met Mr. Henry Worthing at Dr Keaton’s place last Friday. The three of them had tea together in Dr Keaton’s library. They discussed Martin Heidegger’s concept of existence. Mr. Worthing displayed great erudition. Ms Brandon was impressed. It turned out that he was an enthusiastic reader of her books. Dr Keaton sat and listened to their conversation. There was an enigmatic smile on his lips.
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Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
place - mieszkanie, dom to have, had, had tea - jeść podwieczorek, pić herbatę together - razem to discuss - dyskutować o the concept of existence - pojęcie egzystencji to display - wykazać erudition - erudycja impressed - pod wrażeniem to turn out that - okazać się, że enthusiastic reader - zapalony czytelnik to sit, sat, sat - siedzieć to listen to - słuchać there was - był enigmatic smile - zagadkowy uśmiech lips - wargi
Why can’t I forget her? Do I still love her? After all these years? No, definitely not. Then what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I enjoy life? But can’t I? I’m no longer sure about that. Last Friday night the moon seemed different – transformed in a way. Was it because of the Heidegger book or…? Or because of Linda Brando’s smile? She seemed to understand me so well. Much, much better that Susan ever under understood me.
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Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
reflections - refleksje still - ciągle (jeszcze) after all these years - po tych wszystkich latach wrong - nie w pozrządku, nie tak (jak trzeba) to enjoy life - cieszyć się życiem I'm no longer sure - już (dłużej) nie jestem pewien transformed in a way - przemieniony w jakiś sposób because of - z powodu much better - dużo lepiej she seemed to understand me - wydawała się rozumieć mnie
Część ósma
A moment ago, Mr Worthing received a letter from Japan. His ex-wife wrote in it that she was now divorced from her Japanese husband. They had no children. She was a free person. She was coming back to London. Did he want to see her? Mr Worthing put the letter aside, thought for a moment, then took Being and Time from the shelf and started reading.
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Lista najtrudniejszych słówek wraz z tłumaczeniem i wymową:
a moment ago - chwilę temu, przed chwilę to receive - otrzymać a letter - list ex-wife - była żona to write, wtote, written - (na)pisać husband - mąż a free person - wolna osoba she was coming back to London - (napisała), że wraca do Londynu Did he want - Czy (on) chciał to see - widzieć się z to put, put, put aside - odłożyć (na bok) to think, thought, thought - (po)myśleć for a moment - przez chwilę to take, took, taken - wziąźć, zabrać from the shelf - z półki
Suggested exercises:
Write your own ending to the story! (Napisz własne zakończenie opowiadania)