MODULE A – Dialogue Section I
Eve: I don’t think you should waste your talent.
Jim: What do you mean?
Eve: You shouldn’t work in an office. You ought to paint.
Jim: But I do. I mean I paint occasionally.
Eve: You should paint eight hours a day.
Jim: Why?
Eve: You should create great art.
Jim: You overestimate my ability.
Eve: I don’t. The world needs great artists.
Jim: It also needs office workers.
Eve: Anybody can do office work. It’s not creative.
Jim: I’m afraid I disagree with you there. We create a lot of problems in my office.
you ought to – powinieneś (=you should)
waste your talent – marnować swój talent
what do you mean? – co chcesz przez to powiedzieć?
you shouldn’t – nie powinieneś
occasionally – czasami, od czasu do czasu
create - tworzyć
eight hours a day – osiem godzin dziennie
overestimate – przeceniać
abilities – zdolności
anybody – ktokolwiek, każdy
creative - twórczy
Czasowniki modalne ought to i should.
Ought to wyraża obowiązek powinność, radę.
He ought to do it. It is his duty. On powinien to zrobić. To jego obowiązek
You ought to talk to him. Powinieneś z nim porozmawiać (rada)
Ought to może wyrażać przypuszczenie:
She ought to be at home. Powinna być w domu (przypuszczenie)
He ought to be working. Powinien pracować (przypuszczenie lub obowiązek).
Should wyraża obowiązek (powinność) lub radę.
He should do it. It is his duty. On powinien to zrobić. To jego obowiązek.
You should talk to him. Powinieneś z nim porozmawiać (rada).
Should może również wyrażać przypuszczenie:
She should be at home. Powinna być w domu (przypuszczenie)
W języku mówionym should występuje częściej niż ought to.
Wyraz should ma również szereg innych zastosowań
»» Więcej o Should, ought to
MODULE A – Dialogue Section II
1. A: What do you think I ought to do?
B: Wait.
A: How long?
B: A week or two.
2. A: What do you think Jim should do?
B: He should look for a job.
3. A: You overestimated Jim’s talent.
B: That’s true. I was wrong in my judgement.
4. A: You underestimated Ann’s intelligence.
B: No, didn’t.
5. A: The service in this place is bad.
B: I think you should complain to the manger.
A: Perhaps I will.
6. A: I like going to the cinema.
B: Well, I prefer going to the theatre.
A: Do you like watching television?
B: No, not particularly
7. A: Which do you prefer, comedies or tragedies?
B: I prefer comedies. What about you?
A: That depends. Sometimes I prefer comedies and sometimes tragedies.
look for a job – szukac pracy
overestimate – przeceniać
I was wrong in my judgement – pomyliłem sie w osądzie
underestimate – nie doceniać
service – obsługa
complain to the manager – złozyć zażalenie do dyrektora
I prefer going – wolę chodzenie
that depends – to zależy
I. Re-phrase the following sentences as shown in the example (Przekształć podane zdania wzorując się na przykładzie)
Example: You shouldn’t waste your time.
I don’t think you should waste your time.
1. You shouldn’t wait any longer.
2. You shouldn’t work at night.
3. You shouldn’t create problems.
4. You shouldn’t criticize Prof. Green.
5. You shouldn’t sleep in your office.
6. You shouldn’t pay for us.
Signor Luciano Spaghetti, the notorious mafia chief, is greatly interested in the person of Prof. Bruce Click. Signor Spaghetti believes that the professor’s secret knowledge of extrasensory communication between living organisms may be of great importance to the Mafia. He suspects that the Professor is able to read other people’s thoughts. Signor Spaghetti is very keen to know the thoughts of some people. He is particularly interested in the thoughts of the economic, financial and political elite. Hence his interest in the person of Prof. Bruce Click.
At present Signor Spaghetti is in Palermo, where he is making preparations to send two Mafia people to London as visiting scholars to prepare the grounds for future operations.
notorious – notoryczny
be of great importance – mieć wielkie znaczenie
economic – gospodarczy
financial – finasowy
political – polityczny
elite – elita
suspect – podejrzewać
is keen to know – bardzo mu zależy, żeby poznać
hence – stąd, dlatego
preparation – przygotowanie
visiting scholar – naukowiec odwiedzający ośrodki naukowe
ground – grunt
operation – operacja, działanie
I. Mark the true sentences with a plus (+) and the false ones with a minus (-)
(Oznacz zdania prawdziwe plusem (+), a fałszywe minusem (-) )
1. Signor Spaghetti wants the Mafia to make use of science.
2. Prof. Click is believed to be able to read other people’s thoughts.
3. The thoughts and ideas of great abstract artists are more interesting than the thoughts and ideas of economic experts.
4. Signor Spaghetti is making preparations to become a professor of applied linguistics.
II. Answer the questions (odpowiedz na pytania)
1. Where is Signor Spaghetti at present.
2. What does Signor Spaghetti suspect?
3. Why is thought-reading interesting for the Mafia?
4. What is Signor Spaghetti doing now?
III. Act out the conversations
1. A: We must try to get in touch with Prof. Click immediately.
B: Is it important?
A: It’s extremely important.
2. A: Jim says that for him money is unimportant.
B: I don’t believe that.
A: Do you believe that he is a liar?
B: Liar is too strong a word, but I suspect he is a hypocrite
3. A: So you are going to Edinburgh.
B: That’s right.
A: It must be very expensive.
B: I’ve got a British Council grant. I’m going as a visiting scholar.
A: Congratulations.
B: Thank you.
4. A: Here’s to your trip.
B: Thanks. Cheers.
A: Don’t forget to phone us.
B: I won’t .
get in touch with – skontaktować się z
immediately –natychmiast, bezzwłocznie
unimportant – nieistotny
liar – kłamca
too em a word – za mocne słowo
hypocrite – hipokryta
here’s to – za (toast)
cheers – za zdrowie
Practice Frames
(Use the Practice Frames to make a conversation with your interlocutor by completing and enlarging on the ideas given)
1. A: We must try to…..
B: Is it important?
A: …..
2. A: Jim says that for him ….. is unimportant.
B: ……
3. A: Here’s to…..
B: …… Cheers.
Hi there, I dont know if I am
Hi there, I dont know if I am writing in a proper board but I have got a problem with activation, link i receive in email is not working... http://www.e-angielski.com/?a052d95ac8b7e5bb7c89b8c831d,
Mam wątpliwość. Wyjaśnienie
Mam wątpliwość. Wyjaśnienie znaczeń po module II. Czy zamiast: I prefer going nie powinno być I prefer walking? Jakoś lepiej brzmi...
Jak chcesz, to sobie spaceruj
Jak chcesz, to sobie spaceruj do teatru, ja do niego chodzę.
Tak, powinno być samo
Tak, powinno być samo should.
"Example: You shouldn’t waste your time.
I don’t think you shouldn’t waste your time."
czy w tym drugim zdaniu nie powinno być samo should?
I don't think you should waste your time.