MODULE A – Dialogue Section I
Donald: May I smoke in here?
Arthur: Pardon?
Donald: O.K. if I smoke here?
Arthur: Smoke here?
Donald: That’s right. Is smoking allowed here?
Arthur: No, it isn’t.
Donald: Where can I smoke?
Arthur: Outside if you like.
Donald: But it’s wet outside.
Arthur: Then don’t smoke.
Donald: But I must have a smoke.
Arthur: I can’t help you, I’m afraid.
Donald: May I use your umbrella?
Arthur: Please do. But you won’t be able to light a cigarette. It’s windy.
Donald: What can I do?
Arthur: Nothing. Give up smoking.
may I smoke – czy mogę, czy wolno mi palić
pardon? = I beg your pardon – słucham?
O.K. if I smoke here? = May I smoke?
allowed – dozwolony
be allowed to – być dozwolonym, mieć pozwolenie
if you like – jeśli chcesz
don’t smoke – nie pal
have a smoke – zapalić sobie
be able to – móc, być w stanie
light a cigarette – zapalić papierosa
give up smoking – rzuć palenie
Porównajmy również:
It may rain. Może padać.
It might rain. Nie jest wykluczone, że będzie padać.
Might wyraża mniejszy stopień prawdopodobieństwa niż may.
I. Make conversations with your interlocutor in the way shown in the example:
Example: OK if I wait here?
A: OK if I wait here?
B: Pardon?
A: May I wait here?
B: Yes, of course. b: I’d rather you didn’t. (wolałbym, żebys tego nie robił)
1. OK if I use your camera?
2. OK if I come tomorrow?
3. OK if I go now?
4. OK if I pay by credit card?
5. OK if I phone you tonight?
6. OK if I use your phone?
II. I. Make conversations with your interlocutor in the way shown in the example:
Example: May I wait here?
A: May I wait here?
B: Pardon?
A: Do you mind if I wait here? (Do you mind if – Czy masz coś przeciwko temu, że)
B: Yes, of course. b: I’d rather you didn’t. (wolałbym, żebys tego nie robił)
1. May I have a smoke?
2. May I have a drink?
3. May I have a look at your cellphone?
4. May I use your dictionary?
5. May I have a smoke?
6. May I give you a ring tonight?
MODULE A – Dialogue Section II
1. A: Can Fred come to your party on Saturday?
B: Yes, of course.
A: Do you mind if he brings his girlfriend Alice along??
B: Well, I’d rather he didn’t.
2. A: I intend to work in Britain during the summer.
B: Do you think you’ll be allowed to?
A: I hope so.
3. A: I worked in France during my last summer holiday.
B: Were you allowed to?
A: yes, I was. I got a work permit.
4. A: May I use your car?
B: Well, I’d rather you didn’t.
5. A: Let’s drive to Edinburgh tomorrow.
B: Well, I’d rather not. I’d rather stay at home and relax.
A: But why?
B: Because I’m tired.
6. A: I’m going to teach Celia to drive.
B: Well, I’d rather you taught her some German.
A: But she doesn’t want to learn any German.
mind – mieć coś przeciw czemuś
Do you mind if – czy masz coś pezciwko temu, że
bring along – przyprowadzic ze sobą
work permit – pozwolnie na pracę
I hope so – mam nadzieje, że tak
I’d rather walk – wolałbym pójść piechotą
I’d rather you didn’t – wolałbym, żebyś tego nie robił.
I’d rather you taught her some German. – wołalbym , zebyś nauczył ją trochę niemieckiego
Używając would rather wyrażamy przedkładanie jednej możliwości (sytuacji) nad inną. Podobne treści wyraża czasownik prefer w trybie warunkowym (I‘d prefer wolałbym). Przykłady:
I’d (=I would) rather wait. (= I’d prefer to wait.) Wolałbym zaczekać.
I’d rather not wait. (= I’d prefer not to wait.) Wolałbym nie czekać.
Zwróćmy uwagę, że bezokolicznik po would rather występuje bez to. Zauważmy także, że kiedy sugerujemy zrobienie czegoś przez inną osobę, po would rather występuje forma PAST SIMPLE:
I’d rather you waited. Wolałbym, żebyś zaczekała.
I’d rather you didn’t wait. Wolałbym, żebyś nie czekała.
Czasownik mind występuje w połączeniu z do/would. Tryb warunkowy (would) jest grzeczniejszy. Konstrukcja z do jest mniej oficjalna, bardziej swobodna.
“Do you mind opening the window? - "Not at all.”
„Czy ma pani coś przeciwko temu, żeby otworzyć okno?” – „Bynajmniej.”
“Would you mind closing the door?” – “Not in the least.”
„Czy miałby pan coś przeciwko temu, żeby zamknąć drzwi?” – „Absolutnie nie.”
“Do you mind if I use your phone?” - “Not at all.”
„Czy będziesz miał coś przeciwko temu, że skorzystam z twojego telefonu?” –„Bynajmniej.”
“Would you mind if I used your car?” – “Well, I’d rather you didn’t.”
“Czy miałbyś coś przeciwko temu, żebym skorzystał z twojego samochodu?” – „Cóż wolałbym nie.”
Konstrukcja mind + ing wyraża prośbę, żeby rozmówca coś zrobił.
Konstrukcja mind + Present / Past Simple jest pytaniem o pozwolenie.
Sheila no longer has any doubts that she is in love with Prof. Bruce Click. Every time she looks at him, she gets palpitations, which is an unmistakable sigh of being in love. There are other symptoms too, such as inability to concentrate on her studies, absent-mindedness, alternating periods of euphoria and depression, and others.
Sheila does not know much about the private life of the great scientist. She only knows that he is between 30 and 50, unmarried and very careful with money. She goes to all his lectures but she does not have the courage to speak to him. She only looks at him with her big blue eyes in silent admiration. Sheila has very beautiful eyes, but Prof. Click does not seem to notice them. He is too preoccupied with his subject to be aware of the outside world.
she no longer has – (ona) już dłużej nie ma
doubts - wątpliwości
every time – za każdym razem
which is – co jest
unmistakable – nieomylny
sign – znak
inability – niezdolność
absent-mindedness – roztargnienie
alternating periods – naprzemienne okresy
careful with money – oszczędny
courage – odwaga
admiration – podziw
notice – zauważać
too …to… - zbyt.. żeby...
preoccupied – zaabsorbowany
aware – świadomy
I. Re-phrase the following sentences as shown in the example
Example: I don’t believe Jim will come.
I doubt whether he will come.
1. I don’t believe Ted will be pleased with results.
2. I don’t believe Brenda will accept your invitation.
3. I don’t believe Jim Harry will refuse Brenda’s invitation.
4. I don’t believe you’ll get there on time.
5. I don’t believe Kate will be grateful to you.
6. I don’t believe you’ll finish the work by Friday.
II. Re-phrase the following sentences as shown in the example
Example: I’ve heard that you admire astronauts.
I understand you are a great admirer of astronauts.
I’ve heard that Peter admires Britney Spears, the pop singer.
I’ve heard that Linda admires Prof. Click.
I’ve heard that Donald admires Prof. Stonehenge.
I’ve heard that Ann admires famous film actors.
I’ve heard that you admire contemporary poets.
I’ve heard that Lisa admires Italian footballers.
III. Act out the conversations:
1. A: Tell me more about Prof. Click.
B: There’s nothing to tell except that he is a megalomaniac and a crank.
A: Why don’t you like him?
B: Probably because he gets on my nerves.
2. A: What kind of person is Ann Gray?
B: What strikes me most about her is her great sensitivity. I think she is oversensitive.
A: You mean she is emotionally unbalanced?
B: By no means. She is self-controlled and very quiet, but beneath… I suspect she is extremely vulnerable.
3. A: I dislike people who are very careful with money.
B: Me too. But we mustn’t forget that there may be deeper reasons for that kind of attitude.
A: Such as?
B: A deeply-rooted sense of insecurity, for example.
A: Yes, you may be right. But that doesn’t change the fact that I dislike them.
4. A: I’m sorry you didn’t like the play.
B: But I did. I liked it very much. And I’m very grateful to you for taking me to see it.
5. A: I’m afraid the film wasn’t very good. I’m sorry I persuaded you to come and see it.
B: But it was very good. I really enjoyed it. And I’m grateful to you for persuading me
to see it.
there’s nothing to tell – nie ma nic do powiedzenia (nic, o czym można by powiedzieć)
except – z wyjątkiem; poza tym że
megalomaniac – megaloman
crank – dziwak
he gets on my nerves – działa mi na nerwy
what kind of – jakiego rodzaju
what strikes me most about her – to, co mnie najbardziej uderza, jeżeli o nią chodzi
sensitivity – wrażliwość
oversensitive – nadwrażliwy
emotionally unbalanced – niezrównoważona emocjonalnie
by no means – w żadnym wypadku
self-controlled – opanowany
beneath – w głębi, pod powierzchnia
suspect - podejrzewać
extremely = very
vulnerable – odsłonięty na ciosy; taki którego łatwo zranić
dislike – nie lubić
we mustn’t forget – nie wolno (nam) zapominać
deeper reasons – głębsze powody
attitude – postawa, podejście, stosunek
deeply-rooted – głęboko zakorzeniony
sense of insecurity – poczucie braku bezpieczeństwa
grateful (to someone for something) – wdzięczny (komuś za coś)
persuade someone to do something – przekonać kogoś,zaby coś zrobił, zachęcić
Practice Frames
(Use the Practice Frames to make a conversation with your interlocutor by completing and enlarging on the ideas given)
1. A: Tell me more about X.
B: There’s nothing to tell except that…
A: Why don’t you like him?
B: Probably because he gets on my nerves.
2. A: What kind of person is Y?
B: …..
A: You mean….?
B: ….
3. A: I like/dislike people who…..
B: …..
Oczywiście to błąd, powinno
Oczywiście to błąd, powinno być: May I wait...
Już poprawione
Z if mogłoby być, Do you mind if I wait here?
Ćwiczenie II w module A: May
Ćwiczenie II w module A: May if I wait here?
Czy to zdanie ma sens? Myślę o składni.
sign (sigh - westchnienie)
Every time she looks at him, she gets palpitations, which is an unmistakable sigh of being in love."
...sign of being in love.