MODULE A – Dialogue Section I
he looks different – wygląda inaczej
I didn’t realize he was so old – nie zdawałam sobie sprawy, że jest taki stary
dead tired - śmiertelnie zmęczony
you shouldn’t be – niepowinnaś być
they are supposed to be – uważa się, że są
glamorous – olśniewający, pełen blasku, atrakcyjny
Jeżeli orzeczenia zdania nadrzędnego występuje w czasie Past (didn’t realize), to orzeczenie zdania podrzędnego musi również wystąpić w czasie Past
I. Make conversations as shown in the example:
Example: Prof. Green – 25.
A: How old is Prod. Green?
B: He is 25.
A: I didn’t realize he was so old.
1. Brenda – 55
2. Jim – 18
3. Ann – 61
4. Tom – 21
5. Barbara – 16.
MODULE A – Dialogue Section II
1. A: You’ve again forgotten to bring the book.
B: I’m afraid so. I’m sorry.
A: That’s alright.
2. A: You are a famous footballer, Mr Smith.
B: You mean I’ve been a famous footballer. Anyway, thank you for the complement.
A: It’s not a complement at all.
3. A: Sandra Sunday is a famous pop-singer.
B: You mean she’s been a famous pop singer.
A: You needn’t be malicious, you know.
B: I’m not malicious
4. A: Do you know who has succeeded Mr White as a Chairman of the Committee?
B: Mr Black.
5. A: Is it true that Mr Brown has been promoted?
B: Yes, it is. He is Deputy Director now.
you’ve again forgotten – znowu zapomniałeś
you mean I’ve been… – chce pan powiedzieć, że byłem…
anyway – tak czy owak
books on – książki na temat
you needn’t be malicious – nie musisz być złośliwy
he has been promoted – otrzymał awans
Deputy Director – zastępca dyrektora
Express the same idea using the Present Perfect form of the verb in bracket. (wyraź podobne treści używając formy czasu present perfect czasownika w nawiasie)
Example: 1. I know the film. (see, saw, see)
I have seen it.
1. Ann knows the play. (see, saw, seen)
2. I know the book. (read, read, read)
3. We have a new house. (buy, bought, bought)
4. Donald no longer has his bike.(sell, sold, sold)
5. My letter is on the table. (write, wrote, written)
6. They don’t know the news. (hear, heard, heard)
7. I’m hungry. (have, had, had.
Bill is a history student. He has tutorials, seminars and lectures. His tutor is Dr Thomas Blair. Dr Blair is an expert on ancient history. Bill does not go to all the lectures. He only goes to some of them. He goes to those lectures. He goes to those lectures that interest him. For example, he goes to all Prof. Stonehenge lectures. He makes detailed notes on them. Sometimes, when he is tired, he records the lectures on a Dictaphone and then copies them into his laptop. For Bill , Professor Stonehenge is a hero and he tries to emulate him.
Bill is in love with Sheila, or at least he thinks that he is. For him Sheila is the most wonderful person in the world. He wants to marry her. However, Sheila does not reciprocate Bill’s feelings. She does not love him. She thinks he is a nice boy and she likes him as a friend but she is unable to fall in love with him. It is impossible for Sheila to fall in love with Bill because she does not admire him. Sheila admires only one man in the world and that man is Prof. Click, the famous biologist. Sheila is almost in love with Prof. Click. Bill thinks that Prof. Click is a horrible man. He says the Professor reminds him of a computer. But then Bill is not objective, he is not impartial, he has good reason to feel jealous.
tutorials – zajęcia w małych grupach (ćwiczenia)
lectures – wykłady
make notes on – robić notatki z
be in love with – być zakochanym
reciprocate – odwzajemniać
emulate – naśladować
unable – niezdolny; she is unable – ona nie jest w stanie, nie potrafi
fall in love with – zakochać się
admire – podziwiać
remind (of something) – przypominać
objective – obiektywny
impartial – bezstronny
he has good reason to feel – (on) ma dobry powód, żeby czuć się
jealous – zazdrosny
I. Mark the true sentences with a plus (+) and the false ones with a minus (-)
1. Doctor Blair is s Bills’ tutor.
2. Doctor Blair is an expert on modern history.
3. Sheila is in love with Bill.
4. Bill does not like Prof. Click.
5. Professor Click is in love with Sheila
6. Sheila can’t fall in love with Bill
II. Answer the questions:
1. Who is Dr Blair?
2. Does Bill go to all the lectures?
3. Who does bill try to emulate?
4. Who is Bill in love with? Who is Sheila in love with?
5. Why can’t Sheila fall in love with Bill?
6. Why doesn’t Bill like Professor Click?
III. Express the same idea using can and must (wyraź podobne treści przy uzyciu can i must)
1. It is possible for Bob to come tomorrow.
2. It is necessary for us to wait here.
3. It is possible for Ann to wait till tomorrow.
4. It is necessary for Tom and Ann to take the exam tomorrow.
IV. Act out the conversations:
1. A: I wonder if you believe in love at first sight.
B: No, I don’t. Do you?
A: Yes, I do.
2. A: Do you think it’s normal that students should fall in love with their lecturers?
B: No, I don’t.
A: Why not?
B: Because of the generation gap.
A: Do you really believe that’s an obstacle?
B: Yes, I do.
3. A: Do you think it’s necessary that a woman should admire her husband?
B: Yes, I do/ I believe married people should admire each other.
A: But you must admit, it’s a rare case if they do.
B: Well, I don’t know the statistics on the subject.
4. A: It’s a mystery to me how Sheila can be in love with Prof. Click.
B: Love is blind, they say.
A: I suspect Sheila is rather short-sighted.
B: Maybe you’re right.
at first sight – od pirwszego wejrzenia
it’s normal… that… should – jest rzeczą normalną, żeby
lecturer – wykładowca
obstacle – przeszkoda
a rare case if they do – rzadko tak jest
it’s a mystery to me – nie pojmuję; jest dla mnie tajemnicą
short-sighted - krótkowzroczny
Practice Frames
(Use the frames to make a conversation with your partner by completing and enlarging on the
ideas given)
1. A: I wonder if you believe in… // Do you believe in…?.
B: …..
2. A: Do you think it’s normal/necessary that… should….?
B: …….
3. A: It’s a mystery to me…
B: …..
I saw the film
I saw the film
Dzięki, poprawiłem literówkę
Dzięki, poprawiłem literówkę ;)
Pod modułem B w ćwiczeniu I
Pod modułem B w ćwiczeniu I przykład 3 wydaje mi się, że jest błąd.
Nie powinno być : Sheila is in LOVE with him ?
W tekście w
W tekście w moduleB
Zaczęte zdanie "He goes to those lectures."
A później powtórzone pełne :
"He goes to those lectures that interest him."
Chyba coś nie tak, chyba że się mylę?
Mała korekta Example: 1.
Mała korekta
Example: 1. jest -> I know the film. (see, saw, see)
a trzecia forma od czasownika see to seen
W tekście gramatycznym
W tekście gramatycznym pierszym zauważyłam bład, gdyż w zdaniu drugim zamiast słowka interested-zainteresowany powinno być married-zamężny.
Poza tym świetna strona do nauki języka! :)