MODULE A – Dialogue Section I
Ted: I wonder if you remember Donald.
Jack: Donald who?
Ted: Donald Corder.
Jack: Of course I do. I remember him very well. What’s become of him, I wonder?
Ted: He married a woman wrestler last week.
Jack: A woman wrestler?
Ted: That’s right.
Jack: Incredible!
Ted: It’s a fact. She is a wrestling champion.
Jack: Then I must phone and congratulate him. Do you know his phone number?
Ted: No, I’m afraid I don’t. He left Britain secretly the other day.
Jack: Why secretly?
Ted: So as to avoid reporters.
what’s become of him? = what has become of him? – co się z nim stało?
incredible - niewiarygodny
he married – (on) poślubił
woman wrestler – zapaśniczka
the other day – któregoś dnia w zeszłym tygodniu; onegdaj
secretly – potajemnie
so as to avoid – po to, żeby uniknąć
MODULE A – Dialogue Section II
A: I wonder if you could explain one thing to me – why does Prof. White hate Prof. Black?
B: I have no idea.
a bit selfish – trochę egoistyczny
I have no idea – nie mam pojęcia
to be quite truthful – szczerze mówiąc (dosł. żeby być zupełnie szczerym)
I can’t stand – nie znoszę
he gets on my nerves – gra mi na nerwach
I. Re-phrase the following sentences as shown in the example (Przekształć podane zdania wzorując się na przykładzie)
Example: Do you remember Donald Corder?
I wonder if you remember Donald Corder.
1. Do you like music?
2. Does Peter speak Spanish?
3. Do you play chess?
4. Do Mr and Mrs White have a farm in Wales?
5. Does Ann play the piano?
6. Do Jim know Ms Green?
7. Does Eve remember me?
II. Translate
1. Ciekaw jestem, która jest godzina.
2. Ciekaw jestem, gdzie ona mieszka.
3. Ciekaw jestem, ile on ma lat.
4. Ciekaw jestem, czym się interesujesz.
Sheila went to a party last Saturday. It was a birthday party. The party was given by Sheila’s girlfriend Helen. Helen is Sheila’s friend from school. The two girls were in the same class in primary school. Now Helen is a secretary in an office in London. She is computer literate and knows how to operate office software. She also knows how to deal with correspondence and how to organize work for her boss.
Sheila and Helen are different in many ways but they are good friends. Helen’s party last Saturday was a tremendous success. It was an enjoyable evening for everybody.
* * *
Bill went to concert last night. It was an orchestral concert. The concert was at the Royal Festival Hall in London. It was a very good concert – Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Beethoven is Bill’s favourite composer, and Ninth Symphony is his favourite composition. Bill went to the concert with Sheila. In Sheila’s opinion, Beethoven is interesting but rather out of date. She is interested in contemporary pop music. At present her favourite singer is Beyonce, an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. She says Beyonce’s music appeals to her imagination.
the party was given by – przyjęcie zostało wydane przez
computer literate – potrafiący obsługiwać komputer
deal with correspondence – załatwiać korespondencję
termendous sucess – ogromny sukces
contemporary – współczesny
at present – obecnie
out of date – przestarzały
it appeals to her imagination – to przemawia do jej wyobraźni
I. Mark the true sentences with a plus (+) and the false ones with a minus (-)
1. Sheila is a secretary in an office in London.
2. Sheila and Helen are old friends.
3. Helen does not know how to deal with correspondence,
4. Bill went to a pop music concert last night.
5. Sheila’s favourite composition is Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.
II. Answer the questions:
1. When is your birthday?
2. Do you often go to birthday parties?
3. Do you have many friends from primary school?
4. When did you last go to a party? Describe it.
5. Have you been to any good concerts lately?
III. Re-phrase the following sentences as shown in the example:
(Przekształć zdania wzorując się na przykładzie)
Example: Someone gave a party in his honour.
A party was given in his honour.
1. Someone published an article on the subject.
2. Someone has criticized Prof. Green.
3. They will discuss the problem tomorrow.
4. They refused us visas.
5. Someone introduced me to Dr Green.
6. Someone told me about it.
7. They will invite us to the party.
8. Someone has informed Jim.
III. Act out the conversations
1. A: I wonder how you enjoyed Helen’s party.
B: Oh, it was alright.
A: So you didn’t enjoy it,
B: I didn’t say that. But I’m afraid it wasn’t a great success.
2. A: How was the concert last night?
B: It was terrific.
A: What was on the programme?
B: I’m afraid I don’t remember exactly. But it was wonderful.
3. A: I wonder what you think of Arnold Wesker.
B: He is one of my favourite playwrights,. Do you like him too?
A: Frankly, not particularly.
B: Why not?
A: He seems a bit too naturalistic to me.
frankly, not particularly – szczerze mówiąc, nie bardzo (lubię go)
Practice Frames
(Use the frames to make a conversation with your partner by completing and enlarging on the
structures and ideas given)
1. A: I wonder how you enjoyed ... last …
B: …
2. A: How was the … last …?
B: ….
3. A: I wonder what you think of …
B: … one of my favourite …
Sheila's girlfriend? Chyba
Sheila's girlfriend? Chyba miało być Sheila's best friend?
Drobny błąd w module B w
Drobny błąd w module B
w wyjaśnieniach:
jest termendous powinno być tremendous.
W ćwiczeniu II moduł B
4. When did you last went to a party? Describe it
Po did powinno byc go a nie went.
I literówka w module B w opowiadaniu "favourire" zamiast favourite
Dziekuje za informacje i
Dziekuje za informacje i znalezienie bledu. W podziekowaniu wyslemy Ci ksiazke - powiesc w jezyku angielskim. Jesli nie otrzymasz od nas maila, prosze skontakuj sie z redakcja.
W dialogu THE STORY
W dialogu THE STORY OF.....wkradl sie maly blad-"She also know how to deal with correspondence ..." przeciez wiemy ze do czasownika 3 osoby liczby pojedynczej dodajemy -s badz -es ....SHE ALSO KNOWS ....:)