Kolekcja dowcipów w języku angielskim
Tytuł | Podgląd |
Christmas Eve jokes | Why is Santa like a bear on Christmas Eve? Because he's Sooty! What did Adam say on the day before... |
Sex | Dowcipy w języku angielskim. Uwaga!!! Część dowcipów przeznaczona jest dla osób dorosłych. Jeśli... |
Co się dzieje jak w Anglii nie pada..... | |
Famous singer | Singer: Did you notice how my voice filled the hall? Critic: And did you notice how the audience... |
Blonde - Christmas Trees | There were two blondes who went deep into the frozen woods searching for a Christmas tree. |
Czy naprawdę warto się uczyć angielskiego? Kilka "powodów", dlaczego NIE! | W erze globalizacji i nieustannego postępu technologicznego, wielu zastanawia się nad sensem nauki... |
One letter | What word begins with "e", ends with "e", and has one letter? Envelope! |
Learning English pronounciation | Learning English pronounciation |
What am I? | Q: I have 12 legs, 12 arms and 8 heads. What am I? A: A liar! |
The umbrella | A gentleman staying in a hotel left his umbrella in the hall, but he had put on the handle a card... |
Her prayers | Little Kate was saying her prayers and at the end she said: "Please, dear God, make Madrid the... |
I want to buy | A blonde goes into a nearby store and asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner. |
Spanish lesson | A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated... |
Intelligence | Father: Don't you think our son got his intelligence from me? Mother: I've still got mine. |
Hell | Kolejny doskonały występ Atkinsona. Rowan w piekle. Dla ułatwienia zrozumienia, dodano napisy w... |
The Squirrel & The Grasshopper | THE ‘REST OF THE WORLD’ VERSION: |
Fine | "You know, someone actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on... |
Comic Relief - Catherine Tate & David Tennant | Jeden z najlepszych skeczy Catherine Tate. |
Tongue-Twister - łamańce językowe | Tongue twisters to zabawny i ciekawy sposób na ćwiczenie wymowy. Przeczytaj poniższe zdania... |
Others | Dowcipy po angielsku nie pasujące do pozostałych działów. |