Zestawy do matury ustnej z angielskiego - nr9


1/ Chcesz wynająć dom, rozmawiasz z pośrednikiem nieruchomości. Powiedz:

  • Jaki rodzaj domu chcesz wynająć.
  • Zapytaj o lokalizacje.
  • Zapytaj o cenę wynajmu.


  • A. Good evening.
  • B. Good evening, is there anything I could help you with?
  • A. Yes, I am interested in renting a small, fully furnished house with at least 3 rooms.
  • B. We have an interesting offer for you then. A newly build house, for an attractive monthly fee.
  • A. Where is it located?
  • B. In the city centre, next to the city hall.
  • A. What are the costs?
  • B. 300 Euro per month, all of the costs are included in that price.
  • A. Sounds good, I will think about this offer.


2. Opowiedz anglojęzycznej koleżance następującą sytuacje:

  • jadąc metrem nagle wszystko się zatrzymało,
  • jak zareagowali pasażerowie,
  • jakie były konsekwencje tego że utknąłeś w metrze.

I was going to school yesterday, using the subway, as usual. Suddenly, everything stopped. It seemed, like someone used the handbrake. We all flew forward, I was lucky enough to be holding a seat, so I managed to stand still. Everyone seemed really nervous, some people thought that it is terrorist attack or something even worse. Luckily, after few minutes we started to go again. I don't know why this have happened. Unfortunately, due to that I was late for school and I missed a very important exam.


3.Będąc na wycieczce w Londynie idziesz kupić swojej rodzinie drobne upominki:

  • powiedz swojemu anglojęzycznemu koledze że nie chcesz robić zakupów w domu handlowym,
  • powiedz gdzie chcesz iść na te zakupy,
  • nie zgódź się z kolegą i przedstaw swoje argumenty.


  • A. Let's go to a shop,  I need to buy some souvenirs for my family.
  • B. Ok, lets go to the shopping centre, I'm sure you will find something there!
  • A. No, I am not interested to go there, I don't like to shop in such big places, there are a lot of people there, and it is hard to find anything in all of the stores.
  • B. Where would you want to go then?
  • A. Lets find a small shop somewhere next to our hotel.
  • B. It's up to you, but I'd still suggest you to go to centre, they have got biggest choice there.
  • A. Yes, but also highest prices, so I will try to find something smaller, and cheaper.


Obrazek: Czworo artystów ulicznych, grają na skrzypcach, obok pudełko na pieniądze, dużo ludzi dookoła.

  • czy  uważasz, że ci artyści są w pracy, czy robią to z zamiłowania?
  • czy takie grupy wzbudzają u ciebie szacunek czy potępienie?
  • czy lubisz patrzeć na takie występy?


This picture shows us a group of street performers playing on violins. We can see, that they've set up a box for money, and that they managed to get interest from the people, which gathered around them. I think, that they are doing it both for money, and for passion, we can see, that they enjoy what they are doing, so they decided to also try to earn some money while doing that. I really admire people who have the courage to perform for public, even on streets. I enjoy watching such people, especially if they are really good at what they're doing.