Serdecznie prosze o sprawdzenie mojej pisemnej wypowiedzi na nastepujacy temat:
Przed wyjazdem na międzynarodowy obóz integracyjny organizatorzy poprosili cię o wypełnienie ankiety na temat twoich doświadczeń w pracy w zespole. Wypełnij kwestionariusz , podając następujące informacje:
1. How often do you work in a team on a task or a project?
2. Tell us why enjoy working in a team.
3. Specify which features of your character and which of your skills help you to work in a team.
4. Tick which of the projects you would like to participate in during the camp and write why.
a) recording a pop sond
b) designing a website for teenagers
c) producing a series of posters ”How to be more confident”
I have been working in a team for all my study (for 4 years), also during the workshop and a language cours.
I enjoy working in a team because i am intrested in other people's opinions. During the workshop when there are many people i feel very good. I can exchange opinions with other people know them better. I like learning new and different things from others.
I am an inteligent and smart person. I am friendly and open-minded. I am a good listener. I am patient, reliable and respect other's opinions.
In during the camp i would like to take part in the producting a series of posters "How to be more confident". I am interested in an improvement myself and my knowledge about personal development. I have a good knowledge about psychology and sociology and i can be very helpful.