Bardzo będę wdzieczna za poprawę błędów .
Dear Michael,
I am writing to apologise for not going your birthday party on Sunday. You can’t imagine had bad I feel. I would write to you to tell you why I didn’t come.
On Sunday morning my sister feel ill. She have terrible stomachache. I must with my sister leave to the doctor. The doctor says that she is ill (grypa żołątkowa) so my sister must stay in the bad at all time. I must with she stay in our home and care for her. That is why I going to your birthday party.
I hope you belive me I tell you how really sorry I am. Please let me to inviting you on a film “Nienarodzony” in the cinema next Sunday evening. Tickets on me. What do you think ??
również proszę o sprawdzenie ;)
Teksty są o reklamach. 1 jest dość zboczona i kontrowersyjna, a druga naprawdę fajna. Miałam je krótko opisać i powiedzieć, co o nich sądzę.
Maybe it is difficult to guess at that, but it it the clothes' advert. The New Yorker company put out it to market in October and in November their campaign was censored. These pictures were made in an exclusive hotel. Two models kiss each other, one of them make sex with the caved head. In advert we can find many erotic undertones. We see lesbians, oral sex and a carver head at slim woman's crotch. in my opinion new Yorker company crossed the boderline of good taste. Campaign adress to youth has become a controversial provocation. I don't think that parents buy their children clothes advertising in this way.
In advert we see party, dancing people and lying on the plate cheese and lemon. They aren't (simple/common/usual nie wiem czego użyć) . They have faces and thay talking! Biedronkas advert is really funny that's way i like it. I think that the use play on words was really good idea. Whole series advert of Biedronka is really good. It truned out that not every advert must be sexist or provocative. Funny adverts passed in memory better than sex. Jokes of TV are repeated by many people. Talk of cheese and lemon! Their dialouges are ingenious and creative. I like music of this advert too. I think that is nice and funny advert.
Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :P
Dear Michael,
I am writing to apologize you for my absence on your birthday party on Sunday. (You can’t imagine had bad I feel.) I'd like to tell you why I didn’t come.
On Sunday morning my sister felt ill. She had terrible stomachache. I have to stayed with my sister until the doctor came. The doctor said that she had stomach upset so my sister must stayed in bed. I have to stayed with her in home and took care of her. That is why I didn't come on your birthday party.
(I hope you'll belive me.) I'm really sorry. Please let me invite you on a film “Nienarodzony” in the cinema next Sunday evening. I'll pay for your ticket. What do you think ?
Ps. Mysle ze zdania w nawiasach sa zbedne. A tak nawiasem jeszcze to za duzo tych "stay" uzylas;) Ale to nic. Pozdrowka.!