shopping are iseparable part of our life.. In connectio with this fact arose hypermarkets. buing in these shops has many advantages. it is nevetheless, not without its problems.
shopkeepers are endeavouring after their customers. fo example permanently enrich and make more attractive an offer. prices are lower than in corner shops. vegetables department is better EQUIPPED, because greens and fruits are more more frequently provided to shop.
As opposed to the above idea is matter of fact the buildings of supermarkets are really hudge. Beacuse of that we will can lost. extensive space is hinder us finding shop assistanrt who could help us or answer our`s guestions. additionaly enormous EXTENT gives opportunity to architects to disigns location in this way which would be encourage to buy more products.
A major disadvantage is crowd, by this we have to stay in really long quequesIt is waste of time at this time you would do so many things.. if you stay 2 hours nearby till you will be very angry over rest of day. moreover there isn`t free place where you can parking yours car. Parks are also filled up.
proszę o pomoc w zapisaniu zakończenia będę niezmiernie wdzięczna.