Tekst zawiera moje plany na przyszłość. Chcę wiedzieć czy mój tekst jest dobrze i logicznie napisany. Jeśli nie to napiszcie mi jakie błędy popełniłam. Praca jest na jutro.
My greatest dream is to pass exam to the university of Krakow where i am going to study medicine. I want to become a doctor. This is an interesting and ambitious work. I'd like a doctor that i will travel to Africa. In the future I'm going to help people. Living in Africa i see a lot of interesting places and cultures. I'm going to visit Kenya, Ethiopia, Congo, Tanzania, Nigeria and many other countries. I love to travel. When I'm older i will travel on a journey around in the world. In the future i want to visit New Zealand, Vietnam, India, Tibet, Bolivia and Peru. There also i want to help people. I hope my dream will come true.