Siema wszystkim :) Mam już dwie poprawki w sierpniu jak obleje jutro angielski to powtarzam szkołe. Dlatego bardzo Was prosze o pomoc. Będe jutro pisał list formalny o pracy. Temat szanowna pani profesor sama sobie wybierze ale ja wymyśliłem takiego uniwersalnego gotowca który może spasuje do wszystkich tematów. Proszę o sprawdzenie. Napewno tragedia ale to wyjątkowa sytuacja:
Dear Sir Madam
I Am writing In response to your Job offer concerning the post of a journalist which I found an asvertsement on bus station.
I believe this position fits my expectations of a perfect job.
My professional experience includes (I worked in a similar position while I attended secondary school) ( I worked at the position for three year) in prestigious company PERVERSIONE in Krakow. I received a bonus from my boss several times
for my hard and professional work. chief was incompetent. My opinion I transmits on the position of journalist because I have huge experience and I love this work. I wanted to work from childhood as journalist. In addition, I have a good understanding of the English language I speak and write fluently in this language . My acquaintance of english is allowed to contact with clients from foreign countries.
I am ready to attend an interview at your earliest convenience. I am enclosing the names of two referess from in PERVERSIONE whom you can contact for further information.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully,