Mike Stevens from a village next to Denver work on the farm from 20 years . One day he went with his dog to the meadow to see what the cows are doing and did they need something to drink .With cows were everything all right . Mike was tired so he sit under the tree .He was sleeping couple of hours. After that he was looking at the sky while he saw a strange thing . It was looking like a circle . he was suprised because he did not know what is it . In interviev with Sarah Collins he said :' I were totally scared , I didn't know what to do , so I took up a mobile phone and I took the photo. Initially I were thinking that this is gonna kill me . I swear that I will remember this day to my die ." Mike went with that photo to the police, but they were laughing of him . How it turned out this strange circle it was a UFO . When policeman asked him how this is happend he says them that the ufo landed on meadow and some strange monsters went out . Then they took his dog Rex and before he know it UFO and Rex fly away. Now Mike is depressed he don't know where is Rex his best friend. Mike hasn't got any family that's why he misses so by the dog . He stopped to take care of the others animals on the farm , because he still is looking for informations about UFO. He has hope that he will find the dog . The famed psychologist Dr. Rayan Secrest is intrested Mike's story and tries to contact with him . The story maybe is true but a lot of people don't belive in it. Most of the people think that Mike is telling this to be famous.
Tak jak by mozna było to potrzebuje poprawki do tego tekstu jeszcze przed wielkanocą .
Ufo took my dog
Mój angielski nie jest perfekcyjny nawet nie wiem czy jest wystarczajaco dobry ale chyba zauwazylam kilka blędów ;)
4 zdanie: Everything was alright with cows.
pod koniec: Mike hasn`t got family that`s why he misses his dog so much.
reszta jest w miare w porzadku, mam nadzieje ze pomoglam ;)
Mike Stevens from a village
Mike Stevens from a village next to Denver has been working on the farm for 20 years - to w sensie ze pracuje od 20 lat
One day he went with his dog to the meadow to see what the cows WERE doing and IF they needED something to drink .
With cows were everything all right - dziwne zdanie, moze: There was everything all right with the cows.
Mike was tired so he SAT under the tree - past simple od sit jest SAT
After that he LOOKED at the sky AND he saw a strange thing . It LOOKED like a circle
I WAS, a nie I were
reszte po obiedzie ;)