Prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie wersji po angielsku
1.Wczoraj wieczorem obejrzałam mecz w telewizji
I yesterday evening watched game on TV
2.W zeszły weekend chłopcy nie grali w tenisa
In last weekend the boys didn't in play tennis
3.Czy poszedłeś wczoraj pływać?
Do you went yesterday to swim?
4.Cały dzień graliśmy w siatkówkę
All day we played volleyball
5.Dwa lata temu moja siostra nie uprawiała karate
Two years ago my sister hasn't practiced karate
6.Co robiłaś wczoraj po południu?
What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
Yesterday evening I watched
Yesterday evening I watched game on TV.
Last weekend boys didn't play tennis.
Did you go swimming yesterday?
We played volleyball all day.
My sister didn't go to karate lesson two years ago.
What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
I yesterday evening watched game on TV jest zle powinno byc
Yesterday evening I watched match on tv.
On the last weekend boys didn't play tennis
do you went swim yesterday?
we played volleyball all day
what were you doing in yesterday afternoon?