Opis obrazka - przykład 5

Obrazek 1

opis obrazka

In the picture I can see two young girls sitting on a bench. They are talking on the phone. The girls are at the lake, maybe on a trip or holidays. In the background there is a cottage and a forest. The light is on in this cottage so I think those two girls live there.

1. Who are those girls talking to?

I think the girls are calling their parents to tell them that they are already on a camp, safe and sound.

2. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

I like spending my holidays at the seaside. I love swimming and sunbathing. I usually read books and listen to music sitting on the beach. I go to Italy or Spain every year on summer.


Powinno być "in summer" lub

Powinno być "in summer" lub "in the summer" lub "on summer camp".

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